Cadets Read "Howl"
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(P2) Political
Try This!
A friend sent me the following link whereby you can input your political beliefs and get a clear photo presentation of who should be your candidate. I highly recommend this. It takes seconds. Check it out! Please then comment.
press here for Select a Candidate 2008
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(P3) Poetical
The Need
It is difficult
to get the news from poems
yet men die miserably every day
for lack
of what is found there.
-William Carlos Williams
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The WCW poem could have fit under any of your three categories - what a beaut!
I love the fact you are spreading the Howl picture about.
Don @ Lilliput Review
Survey results were revealing and not news to me at the same time. Food for thought that I will probably NOT vote for the candidate whose policy positions most align with mine!
Thanks a bunch! Love the William Carlos Williams poem and got a kick
out of the "select a candidate" quiz. My guy is Kucinich, and I disagree
with him on a couple issues.
With me, Kucinich got a 65, with no disagreements at all. Then come Dodd, Gravel, and Richardson. Behind them are a tie by Hillary, Obama, Edwards, all tied.
I think what this illustrates is that the candidates I'm allied with are willing to fully espouse their beliefs because they realize they are not "serious" candidates. The "serious" candidates know they must waffle. So Hillary, Obama and Edwards remain the seriously waffling candidates, and of those, my order of selection at this point is Edwards, Obama, Hillary.
I was somewhat surprised that Kucinich was "My candidate". Even more surprised that Gravel and Chris Dodd were my next choices.
Glad to see military cadets reading HOWL.
I'm voting for Obama even though, he was only # 4 on my so-called list of preferred candidates. First of all, think of what a messed-up poll this is since it doesn't even list education as an issue. You can be sure no woman composed it. Second, pragmatic candidates must temper their views to be electable. Third, there hasn't been a politician who tells the absolute truth, not even a nut job politician. Fourth, Obama will bring more energy, hope, and brilliance to a presidential administration than any other candidate. The finest American minds of our time will flock to his side. Youth will feel their ideals are affirmed. And so will I.
Looks like Giuliani is my candidate.
I suspect that this might be because, although a Republican, he used to espouse a few social popular-in-NYC positions. However, my sister tells me that, in today's NY Times, he's opportunistically dropping even most of those public positions.
Thanks for commenting
This was very interesting. I just saw John Edwards on Bill Maher last night, and found him very sharp and agreed with what he was saying. Personable too, and not very guarded as other politicos. Alas, based on the test, I am closer aligned w/Dodd & kucinch, followed by Barack & Hillary! John's down the list. Hmmmm.
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