(P1) Philosophical (sort of)
My Niece Lucia
I thought my readers might be interested in this Elle Magazine Hungarian edition
cover of my niece actress Lucia Brawley, who, after her stint in Oliver Stone's film World Trade Center, has gone on to star in the Hungarian film Lora.
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(P2) Political
So Perfect It's Ridiculous
Excerpted From Arianna Huffington's Blog:

...But the president has already admitted mistakes in Iraq. His mistake now is in not changing course (except rhetorically) after the earlier admissions of mistakes. The reason why admitting mistakes is considered a good thing to do is the assumption that you'll stop making them -- or at least stop making the same ones. But Bush is even incompetent at admitting his own incompetence. It's like an alcoholic admitting he's started drinking again, then announcing he plans to get back on the wagon by drinking even more. You should not get credit for admitting mistakes unless the admission is accompanied by an effort to stop making them...
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(P3) Poetical
This Barrel of Oil Addresses
An American Slave
(ed coletti -december 2006)
They call me black gold
but like a dollar bill
I ain’t worth a spatter
'cept they use me for something
believe me they do
but I don’t need to tell you
the way they used you
some of them knowing better
were the worst for the knowing
not doing anything about it.
They pretend I’m not even there
while I’m all that’s there and you
your existence made their heaven
planted on the bottom line
with no price-of-labor line
anywhere above,
the difference between us being
you had children
that alone made it so you couldn’t hide
their misery or your wife’s
or that man place inside you
where you knew hot rage
with nowhere to go.
So me I’m just a metaphor,
something they use and use and take
away from under what was never theirs.
The people who try to live nearest me
who don’t own a dram of me,
they get used the same as you and everyone else
gets used a bit like you, and only you
really know just how very used
the people of the earth are
used and used
and used to being used.
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She’s better looking than you, of course.
1) Lucia is very lovely! And I know you are very (rightfully) proud of her! I am looking forward to seeing the movie. Video Droid, here I come!
2) Bravo Ariana H! What more can one possibly say about the Man in the White House? How can you parody or satirize someone whose mug shot should appear next to the word in the next edition of the Dictionary?
3) Your poem, Ed? Creatively (and very correctly & sadly) well done!
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