Selling Your House? Bury St. Joseph
According to the Santa Rosa Press Democrat-Dec 28,2006, "The patron saint of families and carpenters, St. Joseph has gained renown in real estate for helping homeowners sell houses. Some believe Joseph, the head of the Holy Family would support families hoping to move into a new house, given that he Provided Jesus with a home and at times moved his wife and child at a moment's notice."
1. Pick a spot in the back yard or front yard. Some select a place next to the “For Sale” sign
2. Head down is most common, although some are placed sideways pointing toward the house to be sold
3. Seal in a plastic bag
4. Mark the site
5. Pray to St. Joseph to help sell a house
6. If a house is sold, recover the St. Joseph statuette from the ground and take it to your new home. There, St. Joseph should go in a place of honor or in a warm spot
Get the entire article.
OR you can just try to bury your house as we (or rather the December 26th windstorm) almost did Tuesday. This was one of our mighty oak trees!

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(P2) Poetical
"4 Poets Reading" (Ed Coletti, Katherine Hastings, Rychard Denner, & Kathleen Winter) - Tuesday January 16th from 6-7 PM at Bricks in Petaluma. Come one, Come all!

(P3) Political
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Nice picture, Ed!
Greetings from Buffalo, where there is still no snow! Everyone is freaking out because it was in the 40's today. I wrote the following haiku:
No snow on Christmas.
No snow the next day either.
Al Gore's Buffalo.
See you soon.
Dear Joyce and Eddie,
Those pictures were incredible. It fell in spirit with its brothers behind us.
Ted lost a huge 150 year old oak tree on the golf course at Mayacama
that night too.
2007 will be better.
Your neighbors,
Susie and Ted
Poetry reading in Petaluma! The Petaluma I remember was known for chicken growing and processing. The chicken farmers and packing plant workers would attend and/or participate in the Saturday night dirt track races and the Fairgrounds. That was pretty much it.
Good luck and/or break a leg, whatever you say to a poetry reader. I wish you all the best.
Sorry about the tree, Eddie.
Thanks Duncan,
In Petaluma, we say,
"Break a drumstick!"
Happy New Year,
think you're Crazy
Just like me
My heroes had the heart to lose their lives out on the limb
All I remember is thinking I want to be like them.
Ever since I was little, ever since I was little
It looked like fun
And it's no coincidence I've come
And I can die when I'm done
But Maybe I'm Crazy
Maybe you're Crazy
Maybe we're Crazy
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