(Ed Coletti - Chance Encounters - w/color & ink)
(P1) Political
None - nothing political for the first time! Instead, let's all just enjoy inauguration day and all it signifies and offers this time around!
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(P2) Philosophical
Financial Wisdom From Irv Rothenberg
My friend and neighbor Irv Rothenberg is a nationally prominent financial advisor. Go to the following link and take a look at his ideas on the current crises placed into context.
Here's the link to
Irv's Article in North Bay Biz
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(P2) Poetical
Resumption of the SoCoCo Reading Series in Santa Rosa at the new Toad in the Hole venue. (readers left to right - Margo van Veen, David Madgalene, Gwynn O'Gara, Ed Coletti, Lu Garcia, and Mark Eckert)
And then, it happened to us.
We, who had always been young,
grew old.
Hair thinned,
kidneys shrunk,
teeth fell.
Strength was within.
- Tina Rosa
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I attended the memorial for Mark Flet Friday 01-15-09. Does it seem like it's been forty years since he, as Deep Throat, met in a parking garage to let us know what Nixon was up to? With over 300 standing-room-only in attendance, there were a lot of current and retired FBI agemnts there to pay their respects. Bob and Carl also flew in and took their turn saying a few words. They reminded us that when Mark was on Larry King, Larry asked him if he felt he was a hero. Mark's answer was that he was just a govenment employee doing his job. In my opinion, if during the last eight years, we had more Mark Felts working for Freddie, Fannie, The Securities and Exchange Commission and FDIC, the bubble would not have gotten as large at it did before it burst all over us. Tom J. Mariani
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