(P1) Philosophical
Love...A Mystery That
Transcends Reason
William Edelen
February 03, 2008
"The heart has reasons that reason cannot know..." Blaise Pascal
Whence came that first tear flowing out of a heart having experienced love? Whence came that first sob in the throat but from the source of love...? And today, still, the mystery of life and death, two mysteries which are yet one, remain. Life and death are equal Kings. Presidents and babes lie side by side. Kings and Peasants share the same soil. Every birth asks: "Whence came thou?" Every grave asks..."Whither goest thou?" The most unlettered person weeping over a loved one can answer the questions of this mystery equally as well as the most learned scholar in his study. For we are all equal as we stand with tears in our eyes before a loved ones grave.
The mystery of love remains. Humans have intuitively sensed, from religious mystic to philosopher...poet and musician, that it is through something we call "love" that the ultimate significance of our existence is most deeply experienced on this planet we call "Earth."
For the very inspiring full essay, press here.
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(P2) Political

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(P3) Poetical

Tuesday, March 25: Ed Coletti and Lynne Knight
Lynne Knight taught in Upstate New York for many years and moved to Berkeley in 1990. She teaches writing at two Bay Area community colleges. Knight's first collection, Dissolving Borders, won a Quarterly Review of Literature prize in 1996 and appeared in its Contemporary Poetry Series. Night in the Shape of a Mirror, Knight's third full-length collection, a sequence of poems on her mother's descent into dementia, appeared from David Robert Books in 2006. In addition to her full-length collections, Knight has published three prize-winning chapbooks. Her poems have appeared in a number of journals, including Poetry Northwest (where she won the Theodore Roethke Award) and Beloit Poetry Journal (which nominated two of her poems for Pushcart Prizes).
Poet and Essayist Ed Coletti is founder of the Bay Area–wide SoCoCo Poetry Series in Santa Rosa as well as Round Barn Press and the popular "Ed Coletti's P3," online. Google it! His most recent book publications have been Bringing Home the Bones and Quiet Now through dPress and Kapala Press respectively.
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1 comment:
hi friend....i have missed you....
missed visiting with you....thank
you for promoting my words....
Tom and Mary were here for 3 days... a great time.....we talked
about you...in glowing terms...did
your ears burn...??????
with much love to you and yours....
Bill Edelen......
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