(P1) Political"McCain Withdraws 'For Health Reasons' "
Now before you go scurrying to the New York Times for confirmation, please realize that I made this up but did so in the way of prophecy. I suspect he will withdraw in August. I'm not alone in this speculation. He will say it's due to his "health." However, of course, it will be the Republicans, knowing that he has no chance of winning, who will force his hand.
The GOP is not into "throwing" an election. I've been saying for some time that Obama will win the November election in a landslide. The Republicans fear this. Therefore, in their view, McCain must go." So who will take his place? Romney, Hegel or Bloomberg? Probably not the last who is a virtual Democrat. Chuck Hegel is a mid country conservative who correctly opposes the war. Romney flip flops with the worst of them. Were the Republicans to overcome their feelings of betrayal, Hegel could be their best bet by providing a fresh face and an apparent major "change" position (even if only on the war) and pull a late-term steal of Barrack's thunder. Then (and please don't laugh at me), there is always Jeb Bush. There is this nagging feeling that Jeb will prevail as the "smart Bush." Who better to cover up the criminal behavior of the current administration and to obstruct special prosecutor appointments and even war crimes investigations.
You may disagree with me that McCain will pull out, or that Obama will win in a landslide. But realize that he is now winning even in Pennsylvania, Florida and Ohio! His wife Michelle is positioned as another Jacqueline Kennedy and already influencing fashion while intelligently framing issues and parrying attacks. Don't underestimate the importance of a strong first lady "candidate" in an election.
Finally, there is McCain himself. While I don't engage in ageism, because that will come back to bite me, I can say that this is a thoroughly lackluster personality facing a dynamic force. Then there are his hopelessly garbled and inconsistent statements on the issues (see what immediately follows), and, now I rest my case.
Please listen to the entire 3 minute video compilation of John Mc Cain's incredible series of pathological direct contradictions of John Mc Cain!!!
Watch the incredible 3 minute videoComment Here on any of the above or below and read the comments of others too. Log in under "Name" or "Anonymous" if you like, but please be sure to sign some facsimile of your name. Actual name is best, but use what you like. Or email me at edcoletti@sbcglobal.net if you have difficulty.
(P2) Poetical
The Will of Writing
The will of writing is
to make the pen
sound a word,
the sound neither hard nor soft,
but of that balance
which gives forth
something surrounded,
shining and stopped.
(James Schevill)
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(P3) Philosophical
U. S Department of Peace Revisited

Recall several months ago when I mentioned my membership in The Peace Alliance and urged you to contribute a significant portion of your stimulus check "gift" from George Bush to The Peace Alliance in support of the legislation to create a Department of Peace with a Secretary of Peace. Just saying those words is transformative.
Listen to Walter Cronkhite speak eloquently on behalf of this legislation. Then go to the additional links below.
The Peace Alliance and a Dept. of PeaceComment Here on any of the above or below and read the comments of others too. Log in under "Name" or "Anonymous" if you like, but please be sure to sign some facsimile of your name. Actual name is best, but use what you like. Or email me at edcoletti@sbcglobal.net if you have difficulty.
Has anyone actually read Kucinish's bill? While it is an interesting idea in theory, it is totally unworkable from a practical standpoint. The governmental department turf wars alone would render the "Secretary of Peace" impotent.
4:35 PM
Dear Anonymous,
In the future, please add your name or nickname. That would add more moral force to the comment. My support of a Dept. of Peace is not so much based upon it's bureaucratic workings as upon the transformative nature of the words "Secretary of Peace." Regardless of how it works out, a Dept. of Peace gets people talking about Peace. What's a Dept of Defense? When was the last time troops were used to defend this country? Don't you think that focusing upon family serenity, gang neutralization, an Academy of Peace (paralleling the 4 "service" Academies), etc, might have a more positive effect? Tell me, Anonymous, why do you focus merely on the negative? So there would be "turf wars." I suspect the war turf might gain the advantage over the peace turf. But then, what do we have now? War turf and No Turf.