
James Madison -
"If Tyranny and Oppression come
to this land, it will be
in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy."
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(P2) Poetical
Gentle Little Pushes
Lying still
in the garden
the notion
Give everyone
a garden
breeze and swing
of gardens and swings.
Lead them outside,
give them gentle
little pushes
start them all
forgetting all else,
being alone
(Edward Coletti-September 2006)
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(P3) Philosophical

"A New York Times article on the 'animal connection' recently was on the health benefits of having a dog or cat. I loved this paragraph.Don't worry about cardiovascular workouts...oat bran or an aspirin. To live longer and heal faster...lower blood pressure and cholesterol and have a far better chance of surviving a heart attack...get a dog. Dogs should be making house calls and making the rounds of wards.' There is a quote for the front of your fridge door." As to his own dogs, Edelen writes, "Our little puppies live in the eternal NOW. With the natural rhythms of the moment...the flow...the response to the present."
Whether or not the following passage from a Dead Sea Scroll is an accurate response to a disciple asking how to enter the kingdom of heaven, it makes some sense to me, "Follow the birds...the beasts...the fish...and they will lead you in."
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Hi Eddie,
I like the format of your Blog Site and content.
Don Raboin
Thanks, Ed. Love the whole posting! kfh
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