Special Kudos to Chopper Crews
From the U.S. Coast Guard -
They, almost single-handedly led whatever early assistance was possible in getting survivors off buildings in New Orleans, Gulfport, and Biloxi. These valiant men and women, who had trained largely for ocean, lake and shoreline rescue, were now called upon to improvise and drop in rescue buckets through trees and powerlines in a flooded landbase operation. They performed courageously and efficiently under the most difficult conditions and saved countless lives.
Flash! (Sept. 4) Coast Gaurd helicopter, returning from rescue activity, crashes killing 2 aboard.
PS - I also urge my readers to take a look at my August 26th posting article titled "Insurance Industry Fears Global Warming." Subsequently I've also learned that Stanford scientists and much of the scientific community attribute the growing intensity of storms to the rising temperatures of our oceans.
(P1) Philosophical
Mencken Sense (a continuation)
In my post-before-last, I discussed some of the ideas of the great French philosopher Denis Diderot. Bringing thinking a bit more up to date, H.L. Mencken (1880-1956), with his immortal definition of "Puritanism" takes up right where Diderot left off,
"Puritanism" - The haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy."
I never thought that America would take such a backward step as it has in its insane examination of nonsense or nonscience. Mencken, in 1920, spoke directly to the lunacy:
To sum up: (1) The cosmos is a gigantic flywheel making 10,000 revolutions a minute. (2) Man is a sick fly taking a dizzy ride on it. (3) Religion is the theory that the wheel was designed and set spinning to give him the ride. (December 1920)

Because I have no real belief in a glorious afterlife, I have adopted the idea that, at birth, a light switch is flipped on. During life, I live in the light. At death, the light switch is flipped off. That's it. A nice pleasant end after a full life and an easy death. What more can one ask - except for the hubris of eternal glory. It just doesn't even make sense to type that. As Mencken wrote,
When I die, I shall be content to vanish into nothingness...No show, however good, could conceivably be good forever...I do not believe in immortality, and have no desire for it.
I couldn't have said it better! Who needs Dante's infernal "vision"!
(P2) Poetical
God's Crow
God's crow
swooped low
over my shoulder
"I am
God's crow;
why do I scare you,
boy, why
did you shrink
from my kiss"?
(P3) Political
Answer to American Hero Photo Quiz
Former Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neil is the answer to the "Forgotten American Heroes" Quiz.
In addition to being George W. Bush's first Secretary of the Treasury, he had been CEO of Alcoa Corporation and an ardent supporter of George Herbert Walker Bush and Ronald Reagan. So the fact that his Republican and conservative credentials were impeccable lend great weight and credibility to his report of disillusionment overcoming him at the very first Bush cabinet meeting.
O'Neil describes the President being so detached that he was "like a blind man in a room full of deaf people". O'Neil went on 60 Minutes and indicated that Bush was planning the Iraq War as soon as he was sworn in a full 9 months before September 11th, 2001!
For this contribution, our hero suffered the same fate as John McCain, Max Cleland, Richard Clarke and countless other nonconformists. He was totally trashed by the Bush/Rove smear machine. Fortunately, though, O'Neil is a very wealthy independent man who has no political aspirations.
Bravo, Paul O'Neil!
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Upcoming Musical Benefit of Note
My friend Sani, who does charitable work on behalf of the Roma people worldwide requested that I post this announcement of what looks to be an extraordinary entertainment benefit in Sebastopol, California. This world-renowned award -winning group not only plays Bulgarian Wedding Music but is a top Be Bop Progressive Jazz Band as well. Check it out.

Please post your Comment Here on anything that's struck you. You can sign in either as "blogger" or "other." If "other," please also include your name with your text. While I'd prefer that you put your comment on the blog, I'll also include my email address which is edcoletti@sbcglobal.net
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