Friday, November 02, 2012

Drones Come Home/Calvin Trillin's 47% Blues/Larry Ronbinson Poem/Einstein On "God" Definitively The Year Before He Died/

(P1) Political

Future Face of American Law Enforcement, No It's Now

Members of the Montgomery County, Texas, SWAT team stand with a ShadowHawk drone in this September 2011 photo provided by Vanguard Defense Industries. (THE ASSOCIATED PRESS)

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I've Got the Mitt Thinks I'm a Moocher, a Taker Not a Maker, Blues
by Calvin Trillin in The Nation October 15,2012

 (Sung by three members of the 47 percent)

Well, I work two jobs, and that makes for a kinda long day.
And the boss deducts the payroll tax that I’ve gotta pay.
With sales tax too, I kinda thought I was paying my dues.
I’ve got the Mitt thinks I’m a moocher, a taker not a maker, blues.

Well, the wife and I took retirement some years ago.
And Social Security accounts for most of our dough.
Though we contributed to that so we’d have it there to use.
I’ve got the Mitt thinks I’m a moocher, a taker not a maker, blues.

Well, I went to Nam while Mitt went on his mission to France.
A buddy needed rescuin’ and I thought, “Well, I’ll take a chance.”
A wounded-vet pension’s not the salary that I would choose.
I’ve got the Mitt thinks I’m a moocher, a taker not a maker, blues.

(All, in chorus)
Yes, he thinks we’re bums, and work is something we would refuse.
Entitlements, he says, are what we just live to abuse.
With his fat-cat friends, what he says about us is J’accuse.
So some of us moochers would sure like to see him lose.
We’ve got the Mitt thinks that we’re moochers, takers and not makers, blues.

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(P2) Poetical

Cave Painting At Font du Gaume

Of course, even his bones
are now dust,
his flowing mane
taken by the wind,
those sturdy hooves
and solid flesh consumed
and reborn in endless forms.

Even so, through two hundred centuries
of darkness and lamplight
he is still running free
across that vast savannah of time.

And the hand that captured,
in a few spare lines
on the limestone wall,
that wild grace,
sending it down through the years -
hand of my ancestor,
hand of our ancestor -
has long since returned
to the formless.

A day will come,
when all this
will be gone:
you and I,
the painting,
even the wall,
carved by ages of
drip and flow,
through uplifted memories
of countless tiny beings
who spent their short lives
in that primordial sea.

And yet this beauty -
this grace -
offers itself to us
in this moment,
the only time we have.

- Larry Robinson

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(P3) Philosophical


"The word God is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human weakness, the Bible a collection of honorable, but still purely primitive, legends which are nevertheless pretty childish."
~ Albert Einstein In January of 1954, just a year before his death, Albert Einstein wrote the following letter to philosopher Erik Gutkind after reading his book, Choose Life: The Biblical Call to Revolt. Apparently Einstein had only read the book due to repeated recommendation by their mutual friend Luitzen Egbertus Jan Brouwer. The letter was bought at auction in May 2008, for £170,000.

Translated Transcript: Princeton, 3. 1. 1954     Dear Mr Gutkind,
    Inspired by Brouwer’s repeated suggestion, I read a great deal in your book, and thank you very much for lending it to me ... With regard to the factual attitude to life and to the human community we have a great deal in common. Your personal ideal with its striving for freedom from ego-oriented desires, for making life beautiful and noble, with an emphasis on the purely human element ... unites us as having an “American Attitude.”
    Still, without Brouwer’s suggestion I would never have gotten myself to engage intensively with your book because it is written in a language inaccessible to me. The word God is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human weakness, the Bible a collection of honorable, but still purely primitive, legends which are nevertheless pretty childish. No interpretation no matter how subtle can (for me) change this. ... For me the Jewish religion like all other religions is an incarnation of the most childish superstition. And the Jewish people to whom I gladly belong ... have no different quality for me than all other people. As far as my experience goes, they are also no better than other human groups, although they are protected from the worst cancers by a lack of power. Otherwise I cannot see anything “chosen” about them.
    In general I find it painful that you claim a privileged position and try to defend it by two walls of pride, an external one as a man and an internal one as a Jew. As a man you claim, so to speak, a dispensation from causality otherwise accepted, as a Jew of monotheism. But a limited causality is no longer a causality at all, as our wonderful Spinoza recognized with all incision...
    Now that I have quite openly stated our differences in intellectual convictions it is still clear to me that we are quite close to each other in essential things, i.e. in our evaluation of human behavior ... I think that we would understand each other quite well if we talked about concrete things.
    With friendly thanks and best wishes,
    A. Einstein
Some have pointed to Einstein's quote that God "does not play dice" with the universe (his rejection of the randomness of the universe) as proof of his belief in a higher being. Others have said that the quote does not advocate a belief in God and have referred to other letters written by Einstein. "I do not believe in a personal God and I have never denied this but have expressed it clearly,” he wrote in another letter in 1954. "If something is in me which can be called religious then it is the unbounded admiration for the structure of the world so far as our science can reveal it."

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Saturday, September 15, 2012

Coletti in China/Size of the Universe/Dead Triolet

(P1) Political

Here are a few photos from Joyce's and my recent trip to China (Aug. 31-Sept. 13, 2012) which blew away so many preconceptions that I hardly can know where to begin, so I won't except to attempt to explain the affluence, cleanliness, and friendliness alongside the rigid, though almost invisible control, by mentioning Deng  Xiao Ping's goals to move China (1) From Planning to Market economy and (2) From Dictatorship to Democracy, BUT to accomplish the latter very slowly in order to obviate the chaos which occurred in Russia's attempt.  So now scroll down for the photos and what follows.


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(P2) Philosophical

Discover the Size of the Universe (from the very smallest to the very largest). This will blow your mind.

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(P3) Poetical

Triolet On A Line From The Grateful Dead

Paint by number morning, sky looks so phony.
Toss away the mold, fracture and destroy it.
All that’s derivative, merest baloney.
Paint by number morning, sky looks so phony.
Who follows instruction ends up the lonely
On oft-traveled paths dotted with bullshit.
Paint by number morning, sky looks so phony.
Toss away the mold, fracture and destroy it.

-ed coletti august 2012-

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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Internment/Mill-Bill-Trill/Chris Rock/Early 1%ers/Sliding Philosophy Game/

(P1) Poetical

Unwritten Note

The news is on everyone's lips
like flies gathering on excrement:
President Roosevelt has ordered

our removal. Will we be
taken from our homes like vermin?
I know it must be a misunderstanding,

gossip spread in these
harsh times. I choke
on acrid laughter.

It is not possible.
After all, I served
my chosen country in the Army,

in the Great War. So I go to see
my longtime friend and sheriff
of Monterey County.

It is no joke, Hideo. You'll have to go.
He can't look me in the eyes.
When he finds my body hung

in this rented room, with
my certificate of honorary citizenship
expressing honor and respect

for your loyal and splendid
service to the country,
he will understand why

I could not allow
this noble country to tarnish
its honor, or mine.

- Jodi Hottel poem
 - Ansel Adams photo

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(P2) Political

Conceptualizing Million, Billion, and Trillion

A million seconds is 12 days.

A billion seconds is 31 years.

A trillion seconds is 31,688 years.

Money works the same way!!!

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Barack Obama's 30-game Winning Streak

I recently read Chris Rock's responses to 10 Questions in the June 18th issue of Time.  After comparing the country to a ship, Rock astutely answered the following question:

"What kind of a captain do you think Obama has been"

"Pretty good.  People are complaining, but it's like complaining about your team winning by one" 'I can't believe we keep winning by one!  What the hell's going on?  Another close victory?'  Meanwhile, it's like a 30-game win streak!"

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Ben Franklin Against the One-Percenters

Reading in Walter Isaacson's fine biography Benjamin Franklin: An American Life, I came across this demonstration that even back in the Philadelphia of 1755, the filthy rich were intent on getting even filthier.Following Braddock's defeat by the French and Indians,

"The Assembly quickly passed a bill (of appropriations) for defense, but again it insisted a tax be placed on all lands, 'those of the proprietors not excepted.'  Governor Morris rejected it, demanding that the word 'not' be changed to 'only.'

  "Franklin was furious.  No longer casting himself as a mediator, he wrote the reply that the Assembly sent to Morris.  He called the governor a 'hateful instrument of reducing a free people to the abject state of vassalage'...Franklin became particularly enraged when he learned that Morris was required by a secret clause in his commission as governor to reject any tax on the Proprietary estates."

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 (P3) Philosophical

Enjoy the Following Philosophy Sliding Game - press "Philosophy joke Sliding Puzzle" below to begin
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Saturday, May 12, 2012

Not Myself/Voting/New Math/Zits & Pearls/

(P1) Poetical


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(P2) Philosophical

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(P3) Political


Five Perfect Reasons To Vote 
To Vote Democratic and For Obama
1. It's The Supreme Court, Stupid! 
(If you’re young and don’t recall
the first Clinton campaign, trust me that I’m not being insulting 
in my use of the word “Stupid”! 
Beyond this, “Remember the Alamo” 
I mean “Remember the Citizens United Decision”!) 
2. The 99 percent versus The 1 percent.   
(Romney's "people" are the corporations)
3. Congress is as important or more important 
than the presidency, and so winning both houses 
should also be a top priority. 
NB, Grover Norquist is doctrinaire on this point.   
Pay attention, Democrats!
4. Marriage. It's about civil rights and 
the separation of church and state!

4. Science. (see Bennett cartoon below)

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Saturday, April 21, 2012

Soul & Immortality?/Woody Allen Backwards/4th Century Civility/ On Controlling Women/Spitzer on 100,000 Poets for Change/Poem "for Michael Rothenberg/

(P1) Philosophical

Our hope of immortality does not come from any religion, but nearly all religions come from that hope. Robert Green Ingersoll

I am a hopeless materialist.  I see the soul as nothing more than the sum of activities of the organism plus personal habitsplus inherited habits, memories, experiences, of the organism.  I believe that when I am dead I am dead.  I believe that with my death, I am just as much obliterated as the last mosquito you and I squashed.   Jack London (1876-1916).

Soul is the generative spark of the Divine, The Universal Source Of All Life (USOAL).  It is the blueprint for your authentic self.  Its force is inward towards self-knowledge and discipline, upward to spirit and self-knowing, and outward through learning, growing and self-realization.  Gayle Swift The 32 Keys (2012)

Now give us your own beliefs, ideas, musings, and confusions on these ideas (above).

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(P2) Political

"Let us, on both sides, lay aside all arrogance. Let us not, on either side, claim that we have already discovered the truth. Let us seek it together as something which is known to neither of us. For then only may we seek it, lovingly and tranquilly, if there be no bold presumption that it is already discovered and possessed." Saint Augustine (354-430 C.E.)

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(P3) Poetical

Jim Spitzer Poster for  100 Thousand Poets for Change

for michael rothenberg
by Ed Coletti


                        TO FLESH

HEN                BERG

          MIAMI     -    MADE


                        AMONG  US                                     


FIT                  FROM

                                    HIS LARG-

ESSE                                       THIS NOUR-

ISH                  MEANT         

NOT JUST                              A WHIT

                                    MAN                                       HE DOES



                                    LIKE THEM

HE                               MICHAEL
                        ALSO DOESN’T

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Monday, February 27, 2012

Love Rain Down Animation/Raskin Poem/Sevenau's Sister/Free Soulfegè Album Download/

(P1) Poetical

Love Rain Down a lovely very moving soon-to-be-award-winning animation for big and little people by my good friend, the amazing activist Derrick Ashong, his associate, , and the band Soulfegè. Then, later, see below for a FREE download of Soulfegè's new album "Afropolitan.

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Bread: An Ode

Bread belongs to nobody,
but spans seas,
all shapes all sizes,
flat bread, round bread,
long bread, short bread, braided & sliced,
leavened, unleavened,
nan, baguette, pita, tortilla.
as common as flour and water.

Bread begins my day —
half a loaf with butter and blackberry jam.
at midday, tomato sandwiches and
at four with tea and honey.
Bread alone a feast.

When it's hard and dry it's
resurrected as croutons,
even the crumbs are cared for,
everything wanted without it —
jewel of table.
Bread, wine & cheese,
most accommodating of foods and yet
nothing as miraculous as crust of bread.

If you want a taste of
paradise on earth,
walk into a bakery.
O bread, O infinite bread
that takes away hunger
and gives us the
wheat of our humanity.

(from Public Spaces, Private Places
by Jonah Raskin
Running Wolf Press, 2007

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(P2) Philosophical

Final Migration

by Catherine Sevenau

My sister Liz knew everything about everything—and what she didn’t know—she made up. Her library was lined with books from architecture, antique lamps and art nouveau to tomes on history, the human body and Henry VIII. She also had every field-guide on flora, fauna and all things feathered.

Liz was an avid bird-watcher and the aristocratic and ancient crane was her favorite. A “craniac”, she could tell you everything about their habits and habitats, their migration patterns and their courting rituals. She even knew their mating calls. The birds inspired her, weaving their nests into her daily living. A life-size bronze statue stood sentry at her front door. A delicately feathered watercolor flew on her plaster walls. Cranes perched on her shelves, danced on her Japanese robe and winged across her glass lampshade.

Every fall, thousands of greater sandhills streak across the Pacific Flyway, migrating in families to feed and roost in the safety of the Central Valley wetlands near the Sacramento River. They are one of the world’s largest birds, the males standing at a stately five-feet with a seven-foot wingspan. They are long-legged, long-necked and bustle-bodied, sporting ash gray plumage, a black chiseled bill, sleek white cheeks and a bald red crown. Their trumpet can be heard for miles. Between feeding and roosting, they dance this peculiar choreographed avian ballet: first one crane starts out slowly, then a second, the tempo picks up, and soon the whole flock is hopping and bowing—wing flourishing and stick tossing in wild rap-like abandon. My sister loved their elaborate floorshow, cackling her delight.

In February, Liz was diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer. In September, she had experimental surgery at the UC Davis Cancer Clinic in Sacramento. Two weeks after she had come to stay with me. Pneumonia set in and I took her back to the hospital. Three days later, she died.

Just after she took her final breath in that cool early morning, her husband Tony stepped outside to call the family. Dialing his cell phone, there was an overhead cacophony of long drawn-out bugling and clanging so loud he was unable to converse. Looking up, his irritation turned to slack-jawed wonder. A feathered cortege of two-hundred greater sandhills passed directly over his wife’s top floor hospital room in single and V-line formation—first one string, then another behind the first, then another behind them, then another, and another, necks extended, legs and tails outstretched, the slow rhythmic beating of their wings vibrating the crisp October sky, incessantly declaring GAROOO-A-A, GAROOO-A-A.

As is their nature, the whole flock trumpets most raucously when concerned or alarmed. As was her nature, Liz was probably disturbing their flight pattern on her way out. Or maybe she was joining them on their migratory trek. Or perchance, the winged ones knew she was ready and arrived to escort their friend in style—blessing my sixty-four year old sister with an exquisite tribute and a final accompaniment.

Catherine Sevenau

October 2004

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Here's the free download of the album
Afropolitan by Soulfege. Derrick Ashong is my niece Lucia Brawley's betrothed and the father of the glorious Bianca. His band Soulfege does terrific fusion (afro, hiphop, funk, soul) meaningful music. Derrick, my grandson Justin Coletti (and even I on my harmonica) had a wild time yesterday at a family party.

Soulfege is giving away their music. They are attempting to do what never has been done, to give away a million downloads, circumvent the music industry, and become justifiably famous.

Please help them out and enjoy mightily in the process.

Press the green icon below

The Million Download Campaign

Wanna Be Down? Download.
AFropolitan, the album.

Use your voice to change the world of music and use music to change the world. Join the Million Download Campaign and make history.

(P3) Political

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