This will be the final edition of Ed Coletti's P3. It feels to me as though ten years or close to that is about enough and that this blog has run its course. We live in an age of instant communication. Facebook actually may do a better job of getting out the word. I realize that the P3 and its archives live much longer than do social media postings. However, the popularity of blogging may be declining exponentially. BUT, I will not give up blogging entirely! No Money In Poetry will continue to live! NMIP serves a somewhat different function for a more specialized readership. People who enjoy literature and writing, painting, sculpture, drama, and cinema should remain interested in reading it. I will be able to get out NMIP more frequently, perhaps monthly or bimonthly. If you already are receiving emails announcing NMIP editions, you'll continue to receive them. If you are not being notified and wish to be, simply drop me an email at edcoletti(at)sbcglobal(dot)net. Of course substitute an ampersand (@) for the "at" and a period (.) for the "dot."
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(P1) Philosophical

Right to die
EDITOR: If you are reading this,
you are going to die. Evidence for eternal life relies on faith. My
solution to this truth is living. I live today to its fullest because
this is the only life I know.
Our wise, enlightened forefathers
bequeathed us inalienable rights: life, liberty and the pursuit of
happiness. I submit that this includes the right to die. So many believe
that we don’t have this right. We have no national religion nor church,
only the constitutional right to practice our beliefs — or unbelief.
For those who warn of the slippery
slope of mass suicides or mandatory euthanasia, I disagree. We mammals
have an innate sense of survival. We humans persevere under the most
horrific conditions. I want to live. I daresay that you do, too. But
when we reach a point of insurmountable pain despite the best palliative
care, or unremitting inconsolable depression, or have reached a state
in our life that we know we are finished, why can’t we choose our demise
without having to break the law or put loved ones who want to help us
at risk?
Dear reader, I wish you a peaceful death surrounded by your loved ones. Let me go in peace, too.
Santa Rosa
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(P2) Poetical
Breeding For
by Ed Coletti
When as in a science fiction movie
or in a Wallace Stevens poem
hell, that all-defining inferno, could
be extinguished and children might be
more apt to recognize their parents
as the frauds we all become when we sire
posing as thoroughbreds while, no more
than the nags the word “parenthood” demands,
we preen, prance and perform our dressage
(though only great money can bring this off)
poorly, transparently, and our words,
our advice to them, rumbles from
within an empty hogshead of sour sherry,
useless, undrunk, without any utility at all
except the confidence that children also
become parents and fail in each
particular the same way an odds-on
favorite stumbles, falls, and is shot.
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(P2) Political
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any of the above or below. If you do not have a Google account, then log in by checking "Name/URL," (it's
easy). Just the name (don't worry about the URL). Actual name
is best, but use what you like. Or email me at, and I can post it.
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