(P1) Political
Senator Exxon & Soylent Green
So I got to wondering why, since the Supreme Court, in an act of infinite mischief, has ruled that corporations are actually "people," how long will it be before corporations will be legally able, not only to contribute vast fortunes to buy elections and politicians, but also actually run for political office.
My tongue is only loosely planted in cheek when I muse that, in addition to using the fullest measure of their bribery powers for influence, the corporations (not the new ones, smaller by definition. These are precluded from running because a "person" must be at least 25-years-old to run for congress) could eventually run for congress and become "Senator Exxon," "Congressman (or woman) Halliburton," or even "President Goldman-Sachs."
How lovely such a prospect! I mean , if these same people can "reason" that a marriage between two people of the same sex will lead to inter species marriage, is that less far-fetched than the jump from "corporations are people" (sort of like Soylent Green) to "corporations are our elected officials"?
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Nice Haiku
today's weather map
says winter rain is falling
on my father's grave
--from Joe Hutchinson in Lilliput Review
(P3) Philosophical
William Blake, Carl Sagan, and Rychard Denner on the
Mystery That is "Man"
Blake: "The ancient Poets animated all sensible objects with Gods or Geniuses, calling them by the names and adorning them with the properties of woods, rivers, mountains, lakes, cities, nations, and whatever their enlarged & numerous senses could perceive....Till a system was formed, which some took advantage of, & enslav'd the vulgar by attempting to realize or abstract the mental deities from their objects: thus began Priesthood; Choosing forms of worship from poetic tales.
And at length they pronounc'd that the Gods had order'd such things. Thus men forgot that All deities reside in the human breast." (from The Marriage of Heaven and Hell)
Sagan: "God is an invention of Man. So the nature of God is only a shallow mystery. The deep mystery is the nature of Man." (Narei Koburi, late Abbot of the Buddhist Temple of the Shining Dragon in Kyoto - quoted by Sagan & Druyan in Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors)
Denner: "the shallow mystery is the nature of deep" (Rychard Denner as Jampa Dorje, Poet and Tibetan Buddhist monk)
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