Google 411 If you're not using this absolutely free telephone directory service, it's got to be because you don't know about it. Google 411 is free, works like a charm and is fun! Just dial 1-800-goog. I suggest adding the number to your speed dial.
I've been using it for well over a year. It even connects you!
(P1) Poetical

Martin Bauman (Santa Rosa, CA)

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(P2) Philosphical

Bullets are actually hardened tears.
(press >) Eve Ensler

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(P3) Political
Hey, Look Where I Live!
Top communities:
Boulder, Colo.
Holland, Mich.
Honolulu, Hawaii
Provo, Utah
Santa Rosa, Calif.
Santa Barbara, Calif.
San Jose, Calif.
Washington, D.C.
Ogden, Utah
Oxnard, Calif.
Source: Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index,
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