(P1) Philosophical
Help! Tell Me Why I Need Facebook!

There was a brief period in time when I belonged to the Facebook phenomenon. There were a few areas of value to me. I could look at photos posted by family and friends. I even found a few high school and college friends. Beyond that, Facebook, to me at least felt like one big redundant nuisance. Now, I'm told regularly that I need Facebook, that I'm out of touch. But I just don't understand. Why do I need Facebook when email is so very efficient? I realize that, to some extent, this is a generational thing. That many folks younger than 30 were practically "born" to My Space and Facebook and seldom check their email. Why? What's so wrong with email? What's so difficult about email? Why do I need to resume something which was fraught with so many cutesy little applications, privacy-denying walls, pokes and prods, iconic "gifts" and a mass of other confusing routes for sending websites, links, photos, and anything else I can send by email. What of privacy? What about the apparently facistic founder of FB who will keep anything you've given him and keep it forever, in spite of your telling him you want out?
I found these comforting passages from a student at St. Ambrose University in Iowa named Arielle Wilson ( in The Buzz)
...When I break the news to people that I do not have a Facebook account, many appear dumbfounded. 'How can you not have Facebook?" they ask with confused looks on their faces. Until I hear a convincing argument as to why I should have Facebook, I plan to remain one of the two people on the planet (Ed: "three") without it. I would rather not damage my future career because of things that could be found on a Facebook account...Since I am stuck in the dark ages, I usually rely on e-mail...The biggest thing that worries me about Facebook is a lack of privacy...I don't want to sound anti-Facebook. It is a great way to stay in touch with high school classmates and friends that are far away. For the people that use it correctly, Facebook is a great resource to meet new people and join new and unusual groups. But after hearing stories of how Facebook accounts can be hacked by thieves and lead to identity theft, I think I will stick to e-mail.
I'll simply add my "Amen," and ask you for your comments. Do I need Facebook? Why? And I'm open-minded, so, if you convince me, I will rejoin, but for now it will be a hard sell.
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(P2) Political
Dalai Lama Sightings
The Dalai Lama, in a ringing denunciation, declared April 24th that the ailing global economy is the result of "too much greed, and lies and hypocrisy."
"These are some of the factors behind the global crisis," he said at a news conference at UC Santa Barbara. "Those people who feel that money is the most important thing in life, when economic crisis hits, learn that it is only one way to be happy. There is also family, friends and peace of mind."
"These are some of the factors behind the global crisis," he said at a news conference at UC Santa Barbara. "Those people who feel that money is the most important thing in life, when economic crisis hits, learn that it is only one way to be happy. There is also family, friends and peace of mind."
I also heard the Dalai Lama at a visit to a soup kitchen where he said wonderfully, "You know, I'm homeless too!"
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(P2) Poetical
Two From the Lilliput Review
Broken On The Wing
A bluebird flies one cage
to claim another
I punch out then
feather home to drink
it's a migratory curse
hollowed in the bones
to bend your neck & peck
before you sing.
-Bart Solarcyzk-
another friend has slipped
into the long and crowded
history of us -
the fish market's
thousands of open eyes
- George Swede -
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