4 Junk Assemblages
Just before leaving for Colorado, Richard Denner gave me two of his "junk assemblages" which now hang from fences at the Coletti homestead as do the two additional assemblages Richard inspired me to do.
Two Untitled by Richard Denner and Water Hole by Ed Coletti
Mylar Homage to Ira Cohen by Ed Coletti
Detail-Mylar Homage to Ira Cohen
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(P2) Political
McCain "Fever"

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(P3) Philosophical
Jack London on Democracy
"By a pure democracy is meant a form of government in which the supreme power rests with and is exercised directly by the people instead of the present form, which is a republican form of democracy, in which the supreme power rests with the people, but is indirectly exercised by them, through representatives.
"Representatives may be corrupted, but how could the whole people be bribed? It would be a Herculean task, and as Lincoln said, 'You may fool all the people part of the time; part of the people all the time; but not all the people all the time."
- Jack London - "What Socialism Is" in The Radical Jack London edited by Jonah Raskin (University of California Press 2008)
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