(P1) Philosophical
The Zimmers
I still love this most wonderful You Tube presentation from England!

What's all this Republican B.S. about "the elites"? Do we really want a President who can demonstrate the ability to bowl, shoot, and toss back shots of whiskey? We got something like that the last two times around.
Jon Stewart, invoking the image of Jefferson, addressed the E word on The Daily Show recently with "Doesn't elite mean good? If you don't think you're better than us, then what the fuck are you doing? I want a president who's embarrassingly superior to me, speaks 16 languages and sleeps two hours a night in a chamber they themselves designed."
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Use Some of Your Stimulus Refund For Peace
Check this out! Joyce and I are going to do it! Just imaginining people some day uttering the words "Secretary of Peace." That's transformative! Peace Project contribution.
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(P3) Poetical
Creature #14 (Mask & Long Potato)
Creature #17 (Ready to Launch)
(2 cartoons by ed coletti)