(P1) Political
Democrats, Unite!
Now! While I have many friends who have supported Hillary Clinton during her very determined fight for the nomination, I feel I must urge these friends quickly to switch their allegiance to Barrack Obama who I totally believe will be the eventual candidate.
At this point, Obama has the most primary popular votes, the most states by far, and, most significant, the most delegates. For Senator Clinton to stay in by hoping for a deal with the "super delegates," is understandable only in the context of old style back-room-brawling ("nuclear option") politics.
Since, in my strong opinion, we need to unify the party NOW, please urge Sen. Clinton to recognize and accept the reality of the situation and throw her support to Sen. Obama, who I've long maintained, sets the absolute right tone for both the nation and the world at this most critical juncture in our history. To continue the ugly madness of "Preachergate" and "Bosniagate" only gives succor to the true opposition and forces of reaction and promulgates what David Brooks refers to as "The audacity of hopelessness."
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(P2) Philosophical
The ego seeks to control its experience,
a futile task. For this reason
ego is always insecure.
-Peter Proehl-
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(P3) Poetical
You Grasp At Straws or Caveat Clinton
by Margo van Veen
(May also be sung to the tune of Charles Aznavour's "Tu T'Laisses Aller"
You felt so sure, so confident
Poised for first female president
Such skills, such drive, well known, a pro
But since your rival stole the show
When, like bonobos check for fleas,
You try to find Obama flaws—
Honestly, Mrs. Clinton, please—
You grasp at straws, you grasp at straws.
Forgone conclusions now seem wrong
As if illusions all along
Of course you feel like fighting back
But do not paint Obama black
You should not stoop to schemes or sleaze
Nor steal his thunder and applause—
Be honest, Mrs. Clinton, please—
You grasp at straws, you grasp at straws.
You speak of ‘stolen words’, ‘all talk’
In vain attempts to clean his clock
But barring an Obama-gate
Won’t stop this juggernaut for change.
You can’t undo rules as you please
Although the process has its flaws—
Be honest, Mrs. Clinton, please—
You grasp at straws, you grasp at straws.
But should you be the nominee
Obama fans, will they agree
To vote for you against McCain?
They still want change, no war, that’s plain;
So chances are those votes you’ll seize
that most will only cast because—
Honestly, Mrs. Clinton please—
They grasp at straws, they grasp at straws.
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