This Made Me Angry and I couldn't just let it go
"The American military has succeeded. It is the Iraqi government
which has failed to make the tough decisions that are important for
their own people.'' -Hillary Clinton (June 2007)
Thank God, Senator Mike Gravel (D-Alaska) responded for me
Let me get this straight. The Iraq disaster is not the fault of the delusional neo-cons, the greedy oil companies, or the gullible and cowardly Congressional warhawks. (Most senators including Clinton didn't even bother to read the 90-page National Intelligence Estimate). According to Hillary, the real culprit is the Iraqi government that we created virtually overnight and left to govern a fractured, impoverished society. Talk about blaming the victim!
Hillary, as an active supporter of the war, you are one of many Americans who are guilty. And now all Americans are left responsible, regardless of whether we supported or opposed he war. When we pull out, our hands will drip with the blood of the tens of thousands of American casualties and hundreds of thousands of Iraqi dead. The Iraqi government didn't start this, we did.
Of course we can continue to compartmentalize ourselves from the truth, remove the troops and blame the rubble on the Iraqis. We can feed the collective fantasy that our good intentions and heroic efforts were thwarted by the cowardice and incompetence of others. But if that's what we take from our experience in Iraq, we will never learn the true lessons and we will be condemned to repeat the same mistakes.
The inability to admit a mistake and assume responsibility is not just a morally bankrupt way to walk through life; it is a dangerous and deadly way to lead a nation.Comment Here on any of the above or below and read the comments of others too. Log in as "Other" if you like, but please be sure to sign some facsimile of your name. Or email me at edcoletti@sbcglobal.net.
(P2) Philosophical
Here's some good advice for me and perhaps for you as well:
"Be a good listener.
Your ears will never get you in trouble."
- Frank Tyger
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(P2) Poetical
My chiropractor tells me
my body contains excessive
So I must ground myself
to a water pipe frequently
lest I blow out modems and hard drives
like several other patients he has
who have done just that.
My condition is said to be incredibly rare.
-ed coletti 6/07
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