(P1) Poetical

Berkeley CA 94702
Save the Date Monday June 11th

Katherine Hastings and Ed Coletti Reading at Moe's Books in Berkeley
If you're available (try to be available), my good friend and wonderful poet Katherine Hastings (Word Temple and KRCB) and I (Ed Coletti) will both be reading at historic Moe's Books in Berkeley at 7:30 PM Monday June 11th.
(P2) Philosophical
"Art is our chief means of breaking bread with the dead."
- W.H. Auden
There is No One But Us
There is no one but us.
There is no one to send,
nor a clean hand nor a pure heart
on the face of the earth, nor in the earth,
but only us,
a generation comforting ourselves
with the notion that we have come at an awkward time,
that our innocent fathers are all dead
--as if innocence had ever been--
and our children busy and troubled,
and we ourselves unfit, not yet ready,
having each of us chosen wrongly,
made a false start, failed,
yielded to impulse and the tangled comfort of pleasures,
and grown exhausted, unable to seek the thread, weak, and involved.
But there is no one but us.
There never has been.
- Annie Dillard
(P3) Political
What, Me Science?
Just imagine! 3 Republican presidential candidates at the first debate raised their hands to
signify that they DO Not believe in evolution! These 3 bright lights are Tancredo, Brownback,
and Huckabee. The idea of not one but 3 candidates for President of the United
States not believing in the very most basic scientific fact! Fortunately none of the 3 has even
an amoeba's chance of surviving more than a few more electoral moments.
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Or email me at edcoletti@sbcglobal.net.