(P1) Philosophical
Readers' Forum
"Is World Peace a Reasonable Goal For Mankind?"
(Please comment below and read the responses of others too)
I personally have times when I begin to despair. I was born during war. Served in Vietnam. Sought peace since. Listened to all who said we are in the Age of Aquarius. Now, observing my fellows around the world, I wonder whether it is in us to have peace. Help me with this. Please go back to the question above and write from your hearts. What is the human race all about anyway?
"Is World Peace a Reasonable Goal For Mankind?"
Comment Here on any of the above or below and read the comments of others too. Log in as "Other" if you like, but please be sure to sign some facsimile of your name. Or email me at edcoletti@sbcglobal.net.
(P2) Poetical
Denner and Bromige to Read at Copperfield's in Sebastopol.
My friend Richard Denner and his friend David Bromige will bring their roadshow to Copperfield's in Sebastopol Thursday May 25th. Attend to be entertained with humor, poetry, and even some wisdom.

Location: SEBASTOPOL, 138 North Main Street, (707) 823-2618
Title of Event: David Bromige and Rychard Denner: Spade : The Poem as Healer
Two poets, who have time to converse and who delight in their view of how contemporary writing might proceed, engage in lively dialogue and sculpt their words into a long poem. One is a Buddhist monk and the other, a terminal atheist. They meet twice weekly in the Sufi garden of the innermost heart, and Spade: Cantos 1-33 is the result.
David Bromige is a professor emeritus at Sonoma State University and past poet laureate of Sonoma County. The author of forty books of poetry and prose, he worked on Spade while recuperating from a heart attack and two strokes. Rychard Denner (Jampa Dorje) is on loan from Tara Mandala Retreat Center. A Buddhist monk of the Vajrayana School, he is publisher of dPress books, www.dpress.net.
Here is a short excerpt from Canto 6 of Spade
Really, it's Coyote's story
needs to be told
messing with my brain
messing with my keyboard
my space bar
trouble tracking
stories within stories
Edith sd, "Some people need space.
Some need a space bar, and
in relation to you
thick and full
my wagging tongue will
insert not only more words
but more pages."
(P3) Political (?)
Following lamentably sparse response (except for Duncan's) to my "global warming" post last week,
I almost packed in the old P3. Friend Bob Fisher saved the day with the following graphic "proof" for global